Aiming to foster and promote unity and harmony among volunteer fire departments throughout Indiana


  • Welcome to the 124th Indiana General Assembly

  • Legislative Update 
  • The dates for the next Indiana General Assembly will be 1/14/25 through 4/29/25 with organization day being 11/19/24 

Tuesday January 14th will be the official start date for the next session of the Indiana General Assembly. We are currently looking at legislation on behalf or the IVFA addressing issues that will cover: funding, staffing, and training at a minimum. 

We invite and encourage each of you to offer your thoughts, concerns, suggestions as we prepare our legislative agenda for this upcoming session. 

To view and monitor the progress of the IVFA watched bills following the beginning our the session visit our updated “bill watch” list by going to the WEEKLY BILL WATCH as it will show the weekly status of the bills we are monitoring and watching. The bill watch will become current and active following the start up of the 2025 session.

Visit this site and this page often as things change daily throughout each session as the bills in which the IVFA is working and monitoring are being heard, altered, and voted on.

Please don’t forget fill out the  Am Responding contact information sheet if you have not already done so or if your information has changed since you last filled it out and email it to the IVFA as we are still building out our database and will use it during the session as a means of reaching out to you with updates, information, and requests for your assistance.

To find out who your State Representative or Senators are please visit Find Your Legislator.

If I can help with questions, concerns, or legislative issues please I am just a phone call, text or email away.

I invite any of you to join me at the State House should you have a free day and want to see the process. To assure you are seeing the true business of our General Assembly and or possible meet your legislators it's best if you will contact me a few days ahead (not required just better to assure they are meeting) and we can see what their calendar looks like on the day you wish to visit.

As well we will once again be honoring our newest Life Time members with 50 years of service and invite them and their families to join us at the State House on March 25th. All who will be honored on that date will be sent letters inviting them to attend a celebration in their honor as a resolution is read recognizing them for their service to their community, their department and the State of Indiana. We encourage members of their departments to join us as well. 

You can contact me via Cell, Email, or text.

Larry Curl