Aiming to foster and promote unity and harmony among volunteer fire departments throughout Indiana

Legislator of the Year Award

The Legislator of the Year Award was created in 2009 as a way to show our appreciation for a legislator that has worked with and for the IVFA either in support of or to stop legislation that would impact the IVFA.

It is a way that we can say thank you, for those that understand and support the IVFA.

Anyone may submit a nomination letter to nominate a state legislator that has helped you, your department, or the volunteer fire service. You simply need to click here to make a nomination on or before February 1 each year.

Included in the letter should be:

  • Legislator's name
  • District
  • Reason for the nomination

The nominations will be reviewed by the Legislative Committee.  If accepted, they will make all the necessary arrangements to award the Legislator of the Year to that individual at our annual convention held in June of the year of the nomination.

Question should be directed to our Lobbyist Larry Curl.

Past Winners

Robert Bischoff
Jean Leising
Sue Glick
Kreig Battles
Jud McMillin, Eric Allen Koch, Randy Frye
Rep. Milo Smith
Tom Saunders
Dr Sue Ellsperman