The Mr. IVFA committee shall use all deliberative powers at their disposal to elect a person who has done the most, in their opinion, to further and benefit all aims and projects of the Indiana Volunteer Firefighter's Association as well as the Fire Service of Indiana as a whole.
The committee may ask for letters of recommendation if they so desire, but in all cases they shall become a guide only and not a directive in the selection of any recipient. The number of letters sent in for any one individual or the mention of other community activities may be considered on the selection of same recipient. They may disregard all letters and suggestions if they so desire and pick a person of their choice. All decisions and judgments of this committee are final and binding.
The minutes and happenings of all committee meetings will remain secretive. Each member of this committee must do all in their power to make this possible.
The committee shall have all names recommended for consideration on hand by midnight February 1 of the year recipient is being selected. NO names will be added after this date. They shall find time to deliberate until a selection has been made. If deliberations are required before this time, they shall do that also. This name shall remain a secret until the time it is to be announced at the presentation and the inscribe plate on the trophy revealed.
All Mr. IVFA committee members are to be assembled for the presentation of the Mr. IVFA award.