In the past 21 years of Hoosier Burn Camp events and gatherings, we conclude the evening with our Friendship Circle. It is a simple song that resonates around the words, “Friends, I will remember you, think of you, and pray for you, and when, another day is through, I’ll still be friends with you.”
It hurts my heart to imagine a world where the next time we gather, there might be some people missing due to the incredulous impact associated with the unprecedented Covid-19 situation we are all living in. Many institutions have made wise decisions to cancel or postpone events that could spread this vicious virus even faster while overwhelming our medical system. At the end of the day, the safety and well-being of Hoosier Burn Camp campers, families, volunteers, supporters, and donors is our top priority. One we just can not comprise. With that being said, we are officially postponing our summer camp program on the dates of May 23rd-29th with the hope of scheduling a later alternative date.
I was told by a wise person recently that in times of crisis, you really find out who your friends, supporters, and allies are. In the midst of watching some poor decisions unfold and people sadly disregarding others, I choose to focus on the countless examples of resiliency in the human spirit I have witnessed first-hand. Folks sacrificing and making not only life-enriching impact on one another but potential life-changing impact like we strive towards at Hoosier Burn Camp. People are rising up, and revealing the best version of themselves. The helpers are at the forefront. I ask that all of us do our best to model that behavior with self-isolation and of course washing our hands often. Please follow the recommendations of the CDC and local health authorities. It will likely save lives.
We know the HBC experience is critical to so many of our kids and we remain committed to serving as a resource for our campers and their families as they overcome the trauma of severe burn injuries while also ensuring the safest environment possible. Please stay tuned for additional information, and in the meantime know that I will remember you, be thinking of you, and will pray for you when we can gather once again.
Be safe, be well and take care,
Mark J. Koopman | Hoosier Burn Camp, Inc