Aiming to foster and promote unity and harmony among volunteer fire departments throughout Indiana

Member Info

Memorial Section/Wall Of Honor

We remember our members who have gone before us for their bravery, commitment, and service to their departments and communities.

Members in the Military

These are our Brothers and Sisters who are serving our Country proudly. Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers.

25-50 Year Members

Members are the lifeblood of any successful organization or association. They are vital to its longevity, growth and prosperity. But to maintain those key ingredients over the long haul requires members who "believe in the cause" and are dedicated to the beliefs and actions of the association. Without these long-term members the IVFA would be hard pressed to survive. We honor these 25 and 50 year members who represent the true spirit of the IVFA, and we say THANK YOU for your outstanding service.

25 year members are presented a "pin" for their outstanding service. 50 year members are classified as gold card members, in that they are presented a GOLD card, and are deemed life members. They are no longer required to pay dues, and retain all benefits.

Some things to keep in mind when searching. Department names are what they are currently called. The member may have been on "Mayberry VFD", but if it is now "Raleigh Fire Department" then chances are they will be under the Raleigh Fire Department search.

Members who were on departments which no longer exist, or have been converted to a "paid" department, will be listed by that department name.