Are we having fun yet, what a weather year 2022, snow, ice, heat, rain, no rain in places what a roller coaster of a ride in the weather department?


I would like to thank the 2020 take 2 IVFA Convention Committee for a great Convention in Evansville, Indiana.


Highlights from the 2022 Awards. 2022 Miss Flame Mackenzie Elliott, District 15, Angel Award Ashley Armstrong, Bridgeport Scholarship winners, Nicholas Kolanowski, Dist. 2, Collin Dublin, Dist. 9A, Morgan Adams, Dist. 11B, Kimberly Smith Dist. 6, Our own District 10 Winner

Jonathon Ralston from Greensburg. CONGRATULATIONS to all of you.


How about some more Award Winners, Ivan Nevil Award Fire Service Award Tim Smith, Lois Boaz Award Suzie Lewis, Miriam Shackle Award Pam Gerdowsky, Presidents Award Printco Printers from Renssalaer, Indiana for printing our IVFA Quarterly Paper for 22 years THANK YOU and Finely, 2022 Mr. IVFA Edwin Stone Hope Fire Department from District 10.


Congratulations to all the Winners you can start NOW NOMINATING for 2023.


How many of you have ever watched the Newlywed Game Show? How many of you got to watch the not so Newlywed Game show, live at 2022 Convention Central?


At the Friday Morning Business Session, a lot of info was shared, Director Steve Cox has Retired from DHS Directors position. Thank You for all that you have done for the State of Indiana. Fire Marshal Joel Thacker is going to move up to the DHS Directors Position. We have a New State EMS Director Dr.Eric Yazel.


We are going forward with the Cancer Study for Volunteers this a NO COST SURVEY. We hope that you will participate. We are looking into having some Mental Health Classes put on across the State with John Buckman.


We are also taking the Cost Savings Study on the road July 9, 2022 and across the State to Educate our Legislators and Cities and Towns and Townships that we as a Volunteer Fire Departments SAVE Tax Payers 4.5 Billion Dollars a Year. We are hoping for a good turnout at the sessions watch the IVFA Calendar. I believe a benefit package for Volunteers is just around the corner for us, stay tune.


New IVFA Officers for 2023 January 1, 2023 Pres. Jerry Liston, Vice Pres. Ross Emery, Board Chairman David Israel, Chaplin Dave Elick.


Be Safe see you at the Next IVFA Meeting:


David Israel
