On Tuesday, February 12 2019 HB 1650 was presented for 3rd reading (meaning the last vote for this bill to be passed out of the House) and after much hard work from five organizations banding together
Indiana Township Association
Indiana Association of Counties
Indiana Farm Bureau
Indiana Volunteer Firefighters Association
Indiana Fire Chiefs Association
and with the help of many of our members the bill was soundly defeated by a vote of
Yea 18
Nay 75
Excused 6
Not Voting 1
The result of this defeat is truly from you and your contact with your Indiana State Representative.
Your voices was heard and made the difference
To see the vote results click on the attached PDF
HB 1650 Vote Count
If you sent a note to your Representative and they voted no on this bill please send them a Thank You note. Just a very short Thank You for your NO vote on HB 1650, it could very well help us in the future.
The name and contact information of your State Representative can be found using this link:
Note: When using this link, clink on the name of your legislator and then on “send an email” to get to a third page where you can send an email.
If you know your State Representative, feel free to call them instead.
Here is a link to the text of the bill:
Any questions feel free to reach out to me
Larry Curl @ 317-605-6669