Aiming to foster and promote unity and harmony among volunteer fire departments throughout Indiana

Junior Firefighter Award

The future of the IVFA and the Volunteer Fire Service depends upon the youth of our departments. Our youth should be encouraged to join as a junior and grow into a member that will provide, assist, give, and participate as a value to not only our association but to the departments and the COMMUNITIES we all serve.

During our state convention the IVFA shall award a Junior Firefighter of the Year award based on the following criteria, guidelines and judging.


Selection of Participants

  • Be selected / chosen from a field of contestants. (only one contestant from each IVFA District)
  • Any IVFA member department may submit one candidate to the District Level.
  • Each District shall be entitled to select a Junior/Cadet firefighter who shall represent his/her district and participate in the competition judging at the state convention for the title of IVFA Junior Firefighter of the Year.
  • The maximum number of contestants will be 25. (one per IVFA District)
  • Skills judging will occur on Thursday morning of the convention.
  • Personal interviews and essays will be judged by a panel of judges, on Friday morning of the convention. (the panel shall consist of three fire chiefs)
  • The winner being announced during the annual banquet.
  • The currently awarded Junior Firefighter shall serve as the IVFA Junior Firefighter over the next year's full convention and shall provide guidance and directions to all who enter the IVFA Junior Firefighter of the Year each year.

Contestant Qualifications

  • Be between the ages of 14 – 18, at time of convention.
  • Department be represented must be an IVFA member.
  • Contestant must be a paid member of the IVFA.
  • District entries must be in the IVFA Office by March 1.
  • Each contestant shall be responsible for all expenses at the convention i.e. registration, room, meals and transportation. It is recommended / suggested that the Contestant's Department and District support the contestant financially to cover such expenses.
  • Be a member of an organized Junior Firefighter or Cadet program of an IVFA Member Department.
  • Maintain (and show proof of) a 2.0 grade point average (C) in the school course work during the year prior to and the year of the contest. (must be provided with application.)
  • Contestants and their parent or guardian must sign a waiver that includes full disclosure of risks and releases the IVFA from liability should they become injured.
  • At least one parent, guardian or chaperon shall attend with the contestant during all phases of his/her registration, judging, award presentation during the State Convention. (it is suggested and encouraged that the department of each contestant have representation present at all activities to show support to the contestant)
  • Must be in attendance at the IVFA State Convention at a minimum of or during the judging process and the Annual Banquet.
  • Each Contestant shall be responsible for his/her own PPE including: Footwear, Coat, Pants, Gloves, Hood, Helmet, Eye Protection.

Judging of Contestants

  • The contestant will be required to submit a 500 word essay of his/her duties, trainings, activities (including but not limited to, Church, Family, School, Community, Fire Department, and other organizational participation.
  • Hands-on "Accuracy & Timed" Competition (based on the minimum (mandatory) State Training Standards) during the IVFA State Convention. (judged by three (3) Certified Instructors who will judge each of the event stations)
  • A final judging by a panel of three Fire Chief's chosen by the IVFA Junior Firefighter Convention Committee who will:
    • Review the essay
    • Review the Hands-on results.
    • Ask a series of three questions (provided by the committee) and two questions of the judges choosing.
    • Grade each contestant based on their over all activity during all phases of the judging.
    • And select the IVFA Junior Firefighter of the Year

Junior Firefighter of the Year winner shall:

  • Be recognized at the IVFA State Convention banquet as the IVFA Junior Firefighter of the Year.
  • Be presented with a trophy sponsored and presented by Jack and Barbara Kerney, the founders of the State Junior Firefighter Award Program
  • Be nominated for the National Volunteer Fire Council NVFC Junior Firefighter of the Year Award competition (if all Criteria have been met)
  • Become the IVFA Junior Firefighter Ambassador:
    • Attending State Activities
    • Attending Department Activities
    • Talking at events about the value of becoming a Junior Firefighter
    • Addressing events as requested (and available) to promote Junior / Cadet Fire / EMS programs within departments.
  • During the State Convention all Junior Firefighter/Cadet Contestants will be invited to participate in a social activity of their peers, provided by the Convention Hosts on Wednesday evening.

The IVFA reserves the right to cancel or change the competition upon notification to all participants.

Click here to apply for the IVFA Junior Firefighter Award.

Past Winners

Justin Baker
Noah Wilson
Hunter Morrow
Cody Price
Brittney Groomer
Jacqulyn Noel Ryan
Jade Knox
Lloyd Darringer