Legislative 2020-21


Organizational Day


Indiana's 122nd General Assembly

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

With the rapping of the gavel at 1:00 PM (legislative time) Nov 17th, 2020 another legislative session has begun.

The 122nd session of the Indiana General Assembly, House of Representatives was called to order by the Secretary of State, the Honorable Connie Lawson and after a few comments, prayer and pledge it was time to elect the Speaker of the House for the upcoming session.

Todd Huston (HD 37) was elected and will again serve as the speaker of the house for the 122nd session of the House of Representatives for 2021.

Speaker Huston was sworn by Chief Justice Rush with his wife holding the bible and then he officially called to order the 122nd session of the Indiana General Assembly House of Representatives.

After some comments the house went into recess to allow members to relocate to the Indiana Government Center where they will conduct the business of this year's session.

At 1:30 PM (again legislative time) the Indiana Senate was called to order by Senate President, Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch. The election of Senate Pro Tem Senator Rodric Bray was sworn in and the 122nd session of the Indiana General Assembly, Indiana Senate for the year of 2021 was underway.

The senate minority elected as their caucus leader a new minority leader Senator Greg Taylor.

Moving on, both the session and committee hearings will be different this year with committee hearings being held in one room and all testomony on any bills if done in person being done in a separate room so yes the world, the state, and the functioning of the Indiana General Assembly as we know it will and has changed.

The House returned to session to review Rules, Policies, and Protocols for the upcoming session and ended following a very lenghty debate over the requirement to wear face coverings for all legislators during their time at the state house.

So until we return on January 4th 2021 stay safe, stay socially distanced and enjoy the upcoming holidays for 2020.

As of this posting we are setting up the standard links that will allow each of you to watch, monitor, see, read and stay involved in the 122nd session of the 2021 Indiana General Assembly.

As bills are released and you will be able to click on the link Indiana Bill Watch 2021 as the session becomes more active and the bills that show up in blue are live and those in Grey are dead.

To view the IVFA new “bill watch” list when it becomes active go to WEEKLY BILL WATCH this will show our new bill list that we will be tracking beginning January 6th 2021.

Check back often for updates and to see what bills have been filed and what bills will be added to the IVFA Bill Watch list.

We will be calling on you to reach out to your House and or Senate Member during this session to make calls, sent emails, talk with them about legislation that we need support for or against. This process truly makes a difference in the outcome of legislation on behalf of the IVFA, our membership and those we serve.

Your comments and input are always welcome. You can email, text, call Larry Curl (contact information below.)

Visit this site and this page often as things change daily throughout each session as the bills in which the IVFA is working and monitoring is being heard, altered, and voted on.

  • To find out who your State Representative or Senators are please visit Find Your Legislator.
  • To keep us informed / updated on your contact information to receive legislative updates via a text message go to the I Am Respondingpage and complete the form.

Please continue to fill out the I Am Responding contact information sheets and email them to the IVFA as we are still building out our database and will use it during this legislative session as a means of reaching out to you with updates, information, and requests for your assistance.

If I can help with questions, concerns, or legislative issues please I am just a phone call or email away.

Larry Curl
IVFA Lobbyist/Member

317-605-6669 (cell)
[email protected]