I would like to start off by saying THANK YOU to all of our members and the Department's that belong to the IVFA. Thank You for all that you do for your Communities helping and supporting those that are in need. Peggy and I would like to say Thank you for all your kindness and support you have shared with us over the years. I will still be around as Chairman of the Board for a year or two and will still make District Meetings. I have to say Thanks to our kids Jennifer and Juston and their families for taking care of what needed to be done on the times we were away. I hope we have made the right decisions in the direction of the IVFA. Jerry and Ross will take us to the next level in 2023 good luck, as they will soon fined out there is more to running the IVFA than you think.
Hope you have had the opportunity to meet our new Fire Marshal Stephen Jones and DHS Director Joel Thacker and EMS Chief Medical Director Eric Yazel.
The A fff foam pickup is well on it's way.
Keep in mind we are asking you to share your fire department story how it was formed. The form can be found on the IVFA web site or from your District Chairman and we will put your Dept. on the front page. We are are also working on putting our 75th History book together.
I am going to close with thanking a few people, My Fire Chief Frank Hoban when I joined the FD, it was an Honor to be able to present him with his 50 year gold card, Bruce thanks for the guidance when I became District 10 Chairman. One of my many mentors Jim Parker Pushing me to run for VP (miss you buddy, Thanks for every thing you taught me). And the Past Presidents that helped me along the way and when I would call Zeeks and ask. Hey what are doing? He would say now what you want (thank you Jack). I can't forget Larry Curl, Thank You for keeping me politically correct and helping me on projects. Thanks Paul Holcomb. My goaled was to take what my grandpa started in the IVFA and take it to the Presidents level.

And Thank You Peggy for Supporting me in this endeavor as IVFA President and she said if you take a third term were done. So I am done.

We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank You for the opportunity to serve as your President.

See you at the next District Meeting.

IVFA President
David Israel